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Parenting support and child psychology

Tania is a registered psychologist who works with families on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.  She is a mother of 2 in her late 30’s and understands how difficult the whole parenting gig can be.  At Mind in ACTion she sees parents and kids of all ages to help them manage emotional, behavioural, social and cognitive difficulties and bring a feeling of calm amidst the chaos.

Tania uses therapy modalities such as: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,  Compassion based cognitive therapy, Mindfulness based Cognitive therapy, Attachment therapy, Play therapy, and Generative change work.  She is trained to facilitate circle of security and triple P parenting programs. In this way, the therapy combines modern brain based science with ancient techniques like mindfulness to ground you in the present moment, let go of those things which no longer serve you and get you into the life that you want to be living despite having the inevitable stresses that goes along with being human.

Parenting can be a bloody hard job. We want to support parents to get back into the drivers seat and become the parents that they want to be. We all have parts of ourselves that we love and want to grow and other parts that are often not very helpful. So do our kids. We work with parents to find and grow helpful patterns that let us feel joy and fulfilment with our family as well as manage the unhelpful patterns of behaviour, attachment and thinking that have arisen. We ultimately want you to move towards a direction guided by whats important to you as a family. This means  giving you hands on strategies to work with any behavioural and emotional difficulties you are having with your kids as well as spending time mindfully working through and reflecting on any issues that are popping up for yourself.

Tania is a registered circle of security parenting facilitator. She runs groups for parents of kids between 4 months and 6 years. This is a parenting program will help parents to:

build connection with your children

help regulate your children’s difficult emotions

learn how to recognise your child’s needs

learn about what might motivate kids to get angry or sad and what to do

repair relationships when things get tough

Learn how kids might miscue what they want if they feel insecure

reflect on your own relationships and parenting styles

learn what impact different ways of interacting can have on kids of this age

Big emotions and unhelpful thinking can be hard for kids to manage at times without support. They can also lead to issues such as stress, anxiety or depression. Therapy at Mind in ACTion is a very active process (using ACT and MBCT) to help people feel less overwhelmed by their life and instead build calmness, self worth, resilience, compassion, awareness, creativity, and flexibility. It also focuses on how we can put these skills into action in order to build a joyful life that revolves around your values as a family and as individuals.

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